HBs antigen is an acronym for Hepatits B like antigens found in the blood cells They are the ones that assist the body to respond to any foreign antibody pertaining to that antigen.
If anti-HBs is reactive, it indicates that the person is immune to the hepatitis B virus either due to vaccination or a past infection. This means that the person has developed antibodies against the hepatitis B surface antigen, providing protection against future hepatitis B infections.
Australia antigen hbs ag positive
You do not have Hepatitis Surface B antigens present. This can mean you do not have Hep B or if you have had vaccinations and are getting tested within months of the shots, they have not produced sufficient immunity. (If the titer is done years after the immunization, the levels may be non-reactive, but the body still may produce an anamnestic response demonstrating that low titer levels years after immunization are not an effective indicator of immune status.)
This stands for Hepatitis B Surface Antigen. It means that you have Hepatitis. If the HBsAB was positive, it would have meant that you have had hepatitis B in the past and have built antibodies.
The HBs Ag test is a blood test done to test for hepatitis B, and detects the protein that is the surface antigen of the virus. 2031 or more is indicative of having the virus or being a carrier.
HBsAg stands for hepatitis B surface antigen. This antigen is a protein on the surface of the hepatitis B virus and is the marker used to diagnose acute or chronic hepatitis B infection. Detection of HBsAg in the blood indicates an active hepatitis B infection.
Anti Hbs is a titer measuring antibodies to the hepatitis B surface antigen. Anti Hbs reactive means that you are immune to hepatitis B, either due to previous immunization or recovery from hepatitis B.
HBsAg stands for hepatitis B surface antigen, a marker for hepatitis B virus infection. A reactive result indicates presence of the antigen in the blood. The 5898 value is the concentration of the antigen detected, measured in reactive units. COI stands for cutoff index, indicating the level of antibody concentration above which a test is considered positive. This result suggests an active hepatitis B infection.
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No active or prior infection; not immune - may be good candidate for vaccine; possibly in the incubation stage..
You have dengue disease. See a doctor.