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A direct translation from Spanish translates to "that pimp", or calling someone cool.

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Q: What does que chulo mean?
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What does Miralo que chulo mean?

iralo que shulo

What does bien chulo que es verdad mean?

Right (you) knave/joker, what's true.

What does que chulo esta mean?

"¡Qué chulo está!" is a Spanish phrase that can be translated to "How cool it is!" or "How nice it is!". It is generally used to express enthusiasm or admiration for something.

What does mi primo chulo mean in English?

It means "my cousin Chulo".

What does nada mucho tu papi chulo mean in English?

Nada mucho tu papi chulo means nothing much, and u pretty boy. Papi means daddy Chulo means cute but Papi chulo doesn't mean daddy cute U say this to your bf and it means handsom man :)

What does ay que chulo mean in English?

Hey es un papi chulo! He is a pretty boy. "cute" "Hot" , PIMPIN : ) B Careful.

What does muchisimo besos chulo mean?

lots and lots of kisses, you rogue!

What does dámelo papi chulo mean?

"Dámelo papi chulo" is a Spanish phrase that translates to "Give it to me, daddy" in English. It is a slang term that implies a desire for something from a man in a flirtatious or sexual manner.

What actors and actresses appeared in Papi Chulo - 2009?

The cast of Papi Chulo - 2009 includes: Anthony Carasa as Anthony Emily Dahm as Mary Mauricio Osario as Papi Chulo

What does da nada chulo siempre por siempre mean?

It means: "you're welcome, any time"

What does chuchin mean from Spanish to English?

Essentially it means "cool" as in "That's cool" Something that is agreeable or fun. It's a slang word that is derived from "Chulo". I have no clue where "Chulo" came from, but it is definitely coloquial slang used in the carribean, especially Puerto Rico. Chulo (cool/fun), Chuleria (really cool, lots of fun), Chuchin (Cool, alright!)

What song does ivy queen sing that repeats the words papi papi papi chulo?

It's called "Papi Chulo"