Pudgy the Watchman was created in 1938.
The duration of Pudgy the Watchman is 420.0 seconds.
The cast of Pudgy the Watchman - 1938 includes: Mae Questel as Betty Boop, Pudgy
John 'Pudgy' Dunn died in 1937.
John 'Pudgy' Dunn was born in 1896.
The cast of Pudgy Picks a Fight - 1937 includes: Mae Questel as Betty Boop, Pudgy
Abbye 'Pudgy' Stockton was born on 1917-08-11.
The cast of Pudgy Takes a Bow-wow - 1937 includes: Mae Questel as Betty Boop, Pudgy
The bride's pudgy finger didn't fit the wedding ring.
The duration of Pudgy Takes a Bow-Wow is 420.0 seconds.
Pudgy the Watchman - 1938 was released on: USA: 12 August 1938
Pudgy Takes a Bow-Wow was created on 1937-04-09.