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Q: What does physiological activity in the bowel mean?
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Is an old person always constipated?

No. Bowel activity can change in older ages, but it does not mean every older person has same type of bowel movements.

what is A chemical agent that temporarily arouses or accelerates physiological or organic activity?

A chemical agent that temporarily arouses or accelerates physiological or organic activity

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Measures physiological activity during sleep?


What does it mean if you don't hear a bowel sound?

Lack of bowel sounds can indicate an absence of normal intestinal activity, which may be due to various factors such as bowel obstruction, ileus, or inflammation. It can also suggest a more serious condition requiring medical attention.

What is an example of a physiological activity?

Breathing is an example of a physiological activity. It involves the inhalation and exhalation of air, providing the body with oxygen and removing carbon dioxide.

What are the short term side effects of nicotine?

Decreased bowel activity!

Equipment to measure physiological activity during sexual activity was designed by?

Dr. William Masters and Psychologist Vigrinia Johnson

What is bioavailability?

Bioavailability is the amount of drug which reaches the site of physiological activity after administration.

Is amphetamine a depressant hallucinogen or stimulant?

amphetamines are stimulants and this means a substance that raises levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body.

Describe and explain the physiological basis of one disorder linked to lack of activity eg obesity?

The physiological effects of no exercise and being over weight obese

What is a shadow bowel?

A shadow bowel can refer to a loop of bowel that appears darker on imaging studies due to the presence of gas or feces within the intestine. It may also refer to a region of reduced or absent bowel wall activity during diagnostic imaging, potentially indicative of a pathological condition.