Patriach means father.i think it is a society in which men rule over women maybe
a patriarch is a male leader in a family or tribe
This was because of the 'patriachal society'. This meant men were seen as the superiors and women the wives and mothers.
Patriachal (the Men were in charge)
What do you mean by term Healthy society
i think you mean "pest to society"
Something that is given to society.
Society to mean humankind or people antonyms are nonhuman or animal. Society to mean an organization or institution antonyms are an individual or casual. Society to mean an upper class antonyms are ordinary or common.
It means What did it mean when they say the society of the Haudenosaunee was matrilineal?
your question is unclear, do you mean do dogs have a society, such as a social society as people?
Means society on the whole
mean to give facts
You DID spell society wrong before I corrected it, did you also mean to type the Pilot's Society?