We breath in Oxygen for respiration.
The chemical process is:
C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O
glucose + 6 Oxygen → 6 Carbon Dioxide + 6 Water
They give us oxygen, and help us to stay alive without plants we wouldnt be alive
They help us get more oxygen
well plants provide oxygen, oxygen helps us to live.
phytpplakton gives us oxygen for us to breath.
trees may help us in the future because we will need to get oxygen to help us breath in the future because of pollution... etc.
It helps us by giving the food we eat energy and it gives us oxygen.
they carry oxygen to the rest of our body
Protists help in the process of producing oxygen.
Trees help us receive new oxygen and ecosystems help us have a place to live
Well, obviously, oxygen helps us breath as it is the thing we breath. If there was no oxygen, we wouldn't be able to breath, therefore, we would all die.
they help carry oxygen arround out bodies.
flowers help the planet by eating the carbondioxide then giveing out oxygen for us to breat hope i helped