

What does neutropenia mean?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Neutropenia is a low level of white blood cells (WBC), which are called neutrophils

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Related questions

What is cyclic neutropenia?

Cyclic neutropenia is a condition of recurring shortages of white blood cells.

What is the prognosis for a patient with neutropenia?

The prognosis for a patient with neutropenia depends on the underlying cause, severity, and how promptly it is treated. Mild neutropenia may have a good prognosis with proper management, while severe neutropenia can increase the risk of serious infections and complications. Regular monitoring and treatment by healthcare providers are essential for improving the prognosis of neutropenic patients.

Can neutropenia re-occur?

Yes, neutropenia can reoccur if the underlying cause is not identified and treated. It is important to work with a healthcare provider to determine the cause of neutropenia and develop a management plan to prevent recurrence. Regular monitoring of blood counts is typically necessary to detect any signs of returning neutropenia.

What are the symptoms of neutropenia?

Neutropenia has no specific symptoms except the severity of the patient's current infection. In severe neutropenia, the patient is likely to develop periodontal disease, oral and rectal ulcers, fever, and bacterial pneumonia. Fever.

What does it mean when your neutro is low?

A low neutrophil count, also known as neutropenia, means that your body has fewer neutrophils, which are a type of white blood cell that helps fight infections. Neutropenia can increase the risk of developing infections because there are fewer neutrophils available to combat pathogens. It is important to determine the underlying cause of neutropenia and work with a healthcare provider to address any potential health concerns.

Is pancytopenia the same as neutropenia?

No , pancytopenia is the loss of production of ALL blood coll types , red, white and platelets, neutropenia is the loss of a white cell , the neutropils only..

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What does a neutrophil count of 0.8 indicate?

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What causes Neutropenia?

Neutropenia (having too few neutrophils) could be caused by: * Decreased erythrocyte production * Premature destruction of white blood cells * Sequestration and Margination of White Blood Cells

How can low neutrophils be treated?

Your pediatrician would best be able to tell you treatments for neutropenia in children but in many cases, the white blood cells will regenerate themselves with time if the neutrophil count has gone down because of an illness such as the flu. If treatment is necessary, how severe the neutropenia is will determine the course of action in regards to treatment. The doctor may prescribe injections of a neutrophil growth factor or if the neutropenia is severe enough, your child may have to have injections of granulocyte colony stimulating factors (G-CSF's). This is generally only prescribed for severe chronic neutropenia. If the neutropenia is caused by illness such as leukemia, a bone marrow transplant is often the best treatment.