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you have a little man in your head called wellbeing talking to you :) p.s. if you give him a cookie he might stop telling you to burn things :)

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Q: What does mental wellbeing mean?
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How does internalizing feelings affect mental health?

internalising feelings lead to stress and depression which inturn affect our physical, social and mental wellbeing of individuals. Mental health is a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing not just the absence of disease.

What is mental wellbeing?

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What are the four aspect of hauora?

I'm not sure why this question ended up in the "Motorcycles" category, but what the hey. According to Wikipedia, the Hauora is a Maori philosophy of health and well being unique to New Zealand.There are four dimensions of Hauora; Taha Tinana(Physical Wellbeing - health), Taha Hinengaro (Mental & Emotional wellbeing - self-confidence), Taha Whanau (Social Wellbeing - self-esteem) and Taha Wairua (Spiritual wellbeing - personal beliefs) There is physical, emotional/mental, social and spiritual caring.

How would you know if someone's mental wellbeing is compromised?

Signs that someone's mental wellbeing is compromised include sudden changes in behavior or mood, social withdrawal, difficulty concentrating, changes in sleep or appetite patterns, and extreme emotional reactions. It's important to communicate openly with the individual, offer support, and encourage seeking help from mental health professionals if needed.

What does it mean to have total wellbeing?

To be completely healthy in every respect.

Meaning of conducive work atmosphere?

A work atmosphere that has no detrimental effects on the employees physical or mental wellbeing and is suitable for the tasks required.

What is the basic definition of health?

health is defined as the physical , mental and social wellbeing of a person and not merely the absence of any disease or infirmity.Type your answer here...

How does working with an individual who is distressed impact on your own wellbeing?

Working with someone who is distressed can be emotionally draining and have an impact on your own wellbeing. It is important to set boundaries, practice self-care, and seek support from colleagues or supervisors to avoid burnout and maintain your own mental health.

What does mental emotional mean?

Mental-emotional typically refers to the connection between mental and emotional wellbeing. It encompasses how our thoughts and feelings influence each other, impacting our overall mental health. It highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing both cognitive and emotional aspects of our psychological state.

When was Wellbeing of Women created?

Wellbeing of Women was created in 1964.

What is the biggest problem with foster care?

In foster care, there is no one clear problem. It has been shown in various studies, to have deleterious consequences on the physical health and mental wellbeing of those who were in it.

What do you mean by welfare state?

A state or a government that is taking the responsibility of taking care of its citizens health and wellbeing