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Cleavage occurs naturally between the tissue of the two breasts. We think mostly of well-endowed females as having cleavage, but overweight boys and men can have cleavage too. The "lines of cleavage" are, as a simple description, the line between the clothing or bra and the exposed area of the breast and the "line" or separation between the breasts. So, if a woman wears an ill-fitting bra or one that is too small, the area of cleavage can be pronounced. In smaller bosoms, cleavage is less pronounced or noticeable.

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Q: What does lines of cleavage mean?
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What are lines of cleavage?

Lines of cleavage are natural planes of separation in the skin that are determined by the orientation of collagen fibers. These lines are important to consider in surgery because incisions made parallel to the lines of cleavage heal better with less scarring compared to incisions made perpendicular to them.

Incisions should be made across rather than parallel to cleavage lines produced by collagen fiber bundles?

Incisions made across cleavage lines lead to less scarring, better wound healing, and reduced risk of complications compared to incisions made parallel to cleavage lines. This technique follows the natural alignment of collagen fibers in the skin, promoting better aesthetic outcomes and faster recovery.

What is the clinical significance of the lines of cleavage?

Lines of cleavage in the skin are important for surgical incisions, as making incisions parallel to the lines of cleavage can result in less scarring and improved wound healing. Surgeons often try to align incisions along these natural lines to reduce tension and minimize the risk of keloid formation.

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Skin cuts parallel gape less?

cleavage lines

What is a mineral that breaks along one or more straight lines exhibits which?

That is cleavage.

Use the word cleavage in a sentence?

Cleavage does not always mean nudity. cleavage between two hills was huge.

Which term describes the way a mineral breaks along certain lines of weakness?


What are parallel lines seen on either cleavage planes or crystal faces?

Parallel lines seen on cleavage planes or crystal faces are usually caused by twinning, where two crystals grow together with a specific orientation relationship. This twinning can result in repeated patterns of parallel lines that are visible on the surface of the crystal.

What is A surgical incision parallel to the lines of cleavage?

closes and heals with relatively little scarring-gigi

Is halite cleavage or fracture?

Halite is a cleavage because it splits evenly, but fracture would mean it breaks irregularly.

Why do plastic surgeons make incisions along cleavage lines?

To heal the wound faster. If the incision is made perpendicular to the cleavage line, more fibrin will be damaged. And also to reduce scalp.