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Not exactly sure but at least you will be able to see the toilet at night

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Q: What does led poison do to you?
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What happens when you have a led pellet stuck in your butt?

Time to go see a doctor. You don't want led inside you it could poison your system

What is the poison in a blowfish?

The poison in a blowfish is called, "tetrodotoxin" and can be lethal. Strict regulation for the preparation of blowfish (or Fugu) exists in many countries. Preparation has, on occasion, actually led to death.

How did Socrates poisioning occur?

Socrates was sentenced to death by drinking a cup of poison called hemlock. The poison caused paralysis and eventually led to his death. Socrates accepted his punishment and willingly drank the poison as part of his commitment to his philosophical beliefs.

What are some things that can poison the mind?

Some things that are pisonous are: hairspray, led, and any other thing with acid or chemicals in them

Could someone poison you with magnets led knife sharpineng stone and super glue?

The super glue perhaps. You'd be unlikely to unwittingly swallow the others.

Which kind of poison did Socrates drink that killed him?

Socrates drank hemlock, a highly poisonous plant that caused respiratory failure and ultimately led to his death.

Antonym of Poison?

The antonym of "poison" is "elixir."

How is lead harmful for us?

because it has some kind of poison in it that is very bad for you. That's why they don't make led pencils any more they use graphite instead.

Is poison food?

Poison is not food because that's why it's labeled "poison". Poison is not to be consumed.

Why does the poison frogs don't die and the poison in it?

Because the poison of some frogs, (poison dart frog's) poison is on the outside of the body, not the inside.

What is a sentence for poison?

poison is fatal to us. Never drink Poison, or you will die.