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what dose laminin do for our bodies?It basically holds the cell-structures together, keeping them from falling apart.
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Q: What does laminin do to your body?
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Which functional groups are present on laminin?

Basal Lamina and glycoproteins are two of the functional groups that are present in laminin. Laminin is an active and biologically important part to both groups.

What does the laminin cell look like?

Laminin is a protein that helps cells stick together. It has a cross-like shape and is an important component of the extracellular matrix that surrounds cells. Its structure helps provide support and structure to tissues in the body.

Is there any spiritual significance to laminin?

Some people believe that laminin, a protein molecule in the human body, holds spiritual significance because of its cross-like structure. However, this belief is subjective and not scientifically proven.

Where is the word laminin found in the Bible?

the word - laminin - does not appear in the King James version of the Bible, nor in any English language version of the Bible

What is laminin?

Laminin is a structural protein that helps form the extracellular matrix in animal tissues. It plays a role in cell adhesion, migration, and signaling, and is important for maintaining tissue structure and function. Laminin is made up of three different protein chains that form a cross-shaped structure.

How does a lack of laminin disrupt the skin's structure?

just shut up

Where is a diagram of a laminin molecule?

You can find diagrams of a laminin molecule in scientific journals, textbooks, and online resources such as scientific websites, educational platforms like Khan Academy, and molecular biology databases like the Protein Data Bank. These diagrams typically show the structure and components of the laminin molecule in detail.

Is a laminin cell hereditary?

Laminin is inside everyone. The main proteine and active part in the body of the membrane that holds you together. If it breaks, you will stop living. Just as in the bible it says God holds us all together inside which is proof and since this molecule is shaped as a cross it is more proof. There's a lot that is said in the bible compared to this. It's amazing. (:

You want to see pictures of laminin molcules?

Laminin molecules are large proteins found in the extracellular matrix of animal cells. They have a cross-like shape and play a key role in cell adhesion, growth, and differentiation. To see pictures of laminin molecules, you can search online in scientific databases or images to find detailed illustrations or 3D models.

Have you googled an image of Laminin?

yup. T shaped with blobs on the end. Have you googled integrin?

What is the cross shaped thing in your body?

Laminin protein work together with other proteins, laminin glyoprotein assist in creating structural building blocks for membranes in every human tissue and some animals. They are the glue (connective tissue) inside of us that holds, uniting force, a tie, one cell, to another cell creating a bond. They are the cheer leaders to promote cell adhesion. If we did not have them in our body we would fall apart.