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Q: What does lack of body hair mean?
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What area of the body totally lack capillaries?

Fingernails and hair.

What does furlessness mean?

The lack of fur. No hair. Smooth as a frog. - wjs1632 -

Is Insulating body hair is a characterisitc of mammals?

All mammals have some hair, but cetaceans, sirenians, elephants, domestic pigs, naked mole rats, hippopotamuses, rhinoceroses, walruses, sea lions, some seals, and others lack dense, inslulating body hair. Humans' body hair is not very dense either. Thus, hair is a characteristic of mammals, but dense hair covering the entire body is not.

What does it mean if a guy wants to put up your hair?

He likes your hair. And yo body

What three physical characteristics does a eunuch have?

Eunuchs were typically castrated males, so they may lack facial hair, have a higher-pitched voice, and exhibit a lack of development of secondary sexual characteristics such as muscle mass and body hair.

Why do people have gray hair?

Grey hair usually denotes a lack of the pigment melanin in the hair. As we age, the body often begins to produce less and less melanin. Some grey hair is caused by thyroid problems.

What term means a rare congenital condition causing partial or total lack of pigmentation in the body?

The term for this condition is albinism. It is caused by a lack of melanin production in the skin, hair, and eyes, leading to a lack of pigmentation.

What does a dream of excessive ear hair mean?

Probably that you have an emotional and irrational fear of hair growing on your body.

Why do humans lack long body hair on most of their skin?

We have evolved not to need it because we have clothes and heating to keep us warm.

What does hauriant mean?

When your mothers sister has too much body hair.

How might a lack of nutrients affect the physical traits of an organism?

A lack of nutrients in general can make the body look sickly, the body may be weak, hair may lack luster, the skin may look shallow, the eyes may not be bright, etc. Internally, organs may not function as they should.

What are the symptoms of undereating for a male that is 16 years of age?

Undereating can be characterized by... *Lack of nutrients *Low body weight *Low total body fat percentage *Weakness, fatigue *Weak bones *Brittle hair, thin hair, hair loss *Discolored nails *Dizziness, fainting