they are the supes that have different labels on the reg like P reg,L reg,M reg and so on
They stole the gems from L, M, N, O, and P.
Lines are parallel if they are perpendicular to the same line. Since the lines m and l are parallel (given), and the line l is perpendicular to the line p (given), then the lines m and p are perpendicular (the conclusion).
M Malto Meal, Muslix S Shredded Wheat L P
1 0 pl m
M.-L. P. M. Weatherley has written: 'Estimated sulphur dioxide emissions from fuel burning in the United Kingdom and height of emissions, 1969 to 1974'
<p>MCMLXXVI</p> <p>or M + (CM) + (LXX) + VI</p> <p>or M + (M - C) + L + X + X + V + I</p> <p>or 1000 + 900 + 70 + 6</p> <p>or 1976</p>
Property and liability (P & L) insurance
MULTIPLYING or MULTIPLICATION : the operation of combining groups of units, or procreation.