This is a slang term that means you strongly disagree with what someone said. For example, if someone told me that I was ugly, I might respond by saying Kiss my butt (or ass)!!
Eww, gross! Just take the butt and kiss it!.
Póg mo thóinit means: Kiss my butt!
first get a rodeo clown then tell the clown to distract it then kiss its butt
This is Dylan Bottams and I did kiss a donkeys butt and it was yummy
"baciare il mio culo" meens kiss my butt in Italian
kiss antons butt then kiss shabaz butt then say ill give you a nickel if you tickel my pickel
A head-butt. Usually known as a "Glasgow kiss", from the perceived practice of drunken or angry Glaswegians head-butting each other.
it was butt and dooodooodood and kiss ma butt
grab his butt
kiss my butt
the answer is too kiss my butt!