It means Heavy sorts of workouts that are very strenuous to the muscles. You'll have a major muscles pain in the morning if you have one so far.
It mean after your workout; not before or during, but right after.
Intra workout is using a workout supplement during workout Pre Intra Post
Intra workout is using a workout supplement during workout Pre Intra Post
"Dolofonos" in Greek means "murderer" or "killer."
No because killer kane was rude,mean,and max mother killed killer kane
It mean Crip Killer- as in the gang Crips
dark is Gaelic/Celtic and killer is from the anime death note and that is just how killer is pronounced in Japanese
NO hes not
Killer instinct is what I think you mean. Means you can kill very easy,such as a large predator without remorse.
Kirashi could be interpreted as killer of death, or a killer who brings death, "kira" meaning "killer", and "shi" meaning "death.