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It means that you need to flush (or scrub the toilet) more often. You may also have sugars or proteins in your urine. This should be checked at your yearly physical with your doctor.

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Q: What does it mean when your urine leaves a pink ring in the toilet?
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Why is my urine pink?

Pink urine can sometimes be caused by the presence of blood in your urine, which may be a sign of a urinary tract infection, kidney stones, or another underlying condition. It is important to consult a healthcare provider to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment. Drinking more water can help dilute the urine and potentially alleviate the pink color.

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There are several plants which have pink or partly pink leaves. One such plant is the cordyline fruticosa (Florica) which has large pointed pink leaves. Another is the dracaena marginata (Colorama) with long thin leaves.

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No species of eucalyptus has blue and pink leaves. Some species, such as the Blue gum, have leaves which are a grey/green/blue colour.

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A type of plant that has pink flowers and hairy leaves is called a Woodland Margin.

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that's a period

Would eating Pink dragon fruit cause change of colour of urine to pink?

No It doesnt

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by some ancient dumb roman with pink fluffy toilet seats

What are Bougainvillea leaves called?

well they are called OVAL leaves! they are ovall shaped. they are mostly pink in the amazon