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That would be because all of the fungus and rotting food particles left in your mouth and growing on your tongue. You need to brush you tongue very well if this happens. Maybe even consult a doctor.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

If your tongue is white, you might have thrush, a fungus infection. Everyone has some thrush in their mouths. It helps with digestion. You can have too much and it will turn the inside of your mouth white.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

It's possible what you are describing is not your tongue's tastebuds but a condition called thrush. Thrush is an infection caused by natural yeast that causes your normally pink tongue to turn white.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Prehapes you smoke? Builds a residue overnight sometimes. Also It may be something like cotton mouth?. Have this a few times a month

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βˆ™ 13y ago

A white tounge means that you are either sick and not getting enough fluids in your system. Or you have to much yeast in your body.


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βˆ™ 13y ago

If your tongue is white, then you are dehydrated.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Because you ate something a while ago that coated your tongue, and the bacteria in your mouth like it, and so have proliferated on your tongue. Totally normal.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

See a Doctor.

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Q: What does it mean when your tongue is all white?
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A pimple on your tongue doesn't necessarily MEAN anything in particular; you can get a pimple anywhere, including your face, tongue, lips, etc. Let the pimple heal on its own, do not pop it as bacteria can infect it and yiu can develp acne all over your tongue. A pimple on your tongue COULD mean that a certain food caused it, or you may have had a mild allergic reaction.

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I don't have a white ring under my tongue.

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It means you need to go to the doctor.

What tastes better than it?

The fruit called Durian. If you mean it as a riddle, then the answer is your tongue. A tongue can't smell at all.

Is it normal to have a white looking thing around tongue ring at the borrom of tongue piercing?

Do you mean white crusty stuff on the ball of the tongue ring? If so yes that's normal, its like plaque that builds up on your teeth if you don't brush them, just take out the bar and clean the white stuff off so it doesn't build up! Hope this helps! ______________ Do you mean a pus-mucous type substance on the bottom? If so, then that is from eating/drinking dairy. Avoid dairy at all costs for at least 2 weeks.

What if you have a white tongue?

Just when you thought your oral problems were over, you woke up and noticed you had a white tongue. What could this mean? There are several explanations for white tongue, none of which are very pleasing. The first explanation of white tongue is a disease called oral thrush. This is very common in newborn babies and not so common with adults. Nevertheless, thrush is a fungal infection. It is the abundance of a fungus named Candida. Everyone has Candida in their mouths; it's just that people with thrush just have too much. Many times white tongue happens when people have weakened immune systems and the acidity in the mouth becomes unbalanced. Another, more serious cause of white tongue is a chronic disease in the body. In Chinese medicine, the tongue is used as an indicator to the state of the body's health. A dry, white tongue can mean there is something going on in the body that shouldn't. It doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong with the mouth specifically. One of the most common reasons for white tongue is far less serious. The white tongue could merely be the build-up of sulfurous compounds created by bacteria. The bacteria live beneath the surface of the tongue and excrete these compounds. This ends up causing bad breath. The majority of bad breath cases come from bacteria, and the majority of the bacteria cases come from the tongue. The good news is that in this situation white tongue can be easily taken care of and prevented. Brushing the tongue twice a day when brushing the teeth will prevent new bacteria growth. Some people need much more extreme measures. In these cases, white tongue can be removed with a tongue scraper. Some toothbrushes now-a-days have come out with a brush head on one side and a scraper on the other. Although white tongue can have serious causes, the most common cause is not so serious. Bad breath may be embarrassing, but it is much better then suffering from a chronic disease of the body. White tongue is an easily curable condition when it's caused by sulfurous compounds. If you get white tongue, don't fret, just quickly determine the cause and take care of it.

What does it mean if your goat has a white tongue and diarrhea?

A white tongue in a goat can indicate dehydration or anemia. Diarrhea can be a symptom of various health issues in goats, such as parasites or infectious diseases. It's essential to consult a veterinarian to determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment.

What happens if your entire tongue is white My entire tongue is white looking..i was told this happened because i never usually brush my tongue What causes this and how can i make it go away?

all the toxins from your body are on your tongue. = your bodys getting rid of them. drink lemon water (lots) and EAT HEALTHY!!!! Brush your tongue. Often a white tongue is a sign of Thrush or a Candida (Yeast) infection. You may need treatment for yeast. There are many ways of treating Thrush such as Tea Tree Oil, Acidophelous and anti yeast gargles. Yes and brush your tongue!

What does 'a slip of the tongue' mean?

A 'a slip of the tongue' is when you say something that you did not mean to.