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You're dehydrated or can have Diabetes. You should have that checked. It's quite common during pregnancy and can be dangerous if not taken care of.

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Just eat frit.

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It means you are most likely dehydrated

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Q: What does it mean when your thirst dont go away?
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sometime the shark go away.....................sometime the shark, dont go away.

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it needs to be treated right away!! if you dont go to the hospital you will die! it needs to be treated right away!! if you dont go to the hospital you will die!

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i dought that mamelons never go away.but in case that they dont go away dont worry .you lose some you win gain better incisive function but you are running a greater risk for caries. dont worry if your dietary and masticatory habbits are "normal" mamelons will go away eventualy

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Parents dont go away. They are your guardians and as such have every right to be as involved in your life as they wish.

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run or walk away from who is doing it and tell them you have to go were if you even dont

What does quench mean?

Kind of like fulfilled. Lets say your thirsty. You go drink a soda. Now your thirst is QUENCHED. Got it? It's like calming or refreshing or fulfilling something.