it just means the pores on your nose are very clear people who dont sweat through there nose have clogged pores :]
what animal would sweats through his nose????????? i don't know mabey an armadillo
The only part of the cow that sweats is its nose. Cows do not possess sweat glands on the rest of their bodies, which is why they are often seen panting to regulate their body temperature.
The only part of cattle that sweats is their nose. Cattle lack sweat glands on their skin, so they rely on panting and seeking shade to regulate their body temperature.
Depending on when and how much, enlarged pupils, sweats. But with prolonged use your nose may collapse.
It means she is nervous
Many bad night sweats is not a sign of cancer. You can be overweight. You can also have menopause symptoms. That doesn't mean that you have lymphoma, but if you want to know what causes your night sweats; visit a local doctor.
What type of Sweats?? It Depends......
She has an itchy nose.
The nose is die Nase in German.
la nez mean nose
It is not an idiom, it means your nose is itching.