it could be infected if you have scratched it you could have brocken the skin and infected it it really depends on how swelled it actually is keep monertering it i hope this has helpd
A mosquito bite typically shows up on your skin within a few minutes to a few hours after being bitten.
swelled My toe swelled up last night.
No. Heartworms come from adult mosquitoes through the BITE. Baby heartworms are injected with the mosquito bite and migrate to the heart through the blood system. So, while ingesting water with mosquito larvae in it will not give your dog heartworms, if they are allowed to grow up into adult mosquitoes, the adults may bite your dog and give it heartworms.
Mosquito bites go away on their own, but you can speed the process up by applying a cream such as burn cream or Neosporin, and refrain from scratching the bite which will only aggravate it more.
Well, it will swell up if you scratch a spider bite. On the other hand, both mosquito and spider bites itch like mad. Just don't scratch it at all.
It is possible that an insect bit you several times; sometimes one mosquito bite shows up as several bumps. It could be caused by an ant, mosquito, or other insect.
It is possible that an insect bit you several times; sometimes one mosquito bite shows up as several bumps. It could be caused by an ant, mosquito, or other insect.
Means ya got a big ego
It could potentially be a bite from a tick, spider, bed bug, or a reaction to a mosquito bite. It's important to monitor the swelling and any other symptoms and seek medical attention if it worsens or if you experience severe reactions.
Maybe just a bruise.