sometimes it can be tongue hair or a viral infection
It means there may be a coin type taste in your mouth, that kinda tastes like metal.
nothing unless you taste elements around you such as the salt water, the nasty dirt or anything you already have in your mouth.
You eat dirt
cancer my friends dad had that and it resulted he had mouth cancer :(
Usually means some sort of infection.
From experience, you have some of the symptoms of a seizure. Seizures often leave the victim tasting a metallic taste in their mouth and they black out and become dizzy. I would see your doctor ASAP.
Silt is dirt or mud that may clog the mouth of a river.
because you can taste with your mouth
you're probably tasting blood, might be bleeding gums?
the taste buds main function is to be able to know the taste of foods that enter your mouth. the taste buds main function is to be able to know the taste of foods that enter your mouth. the taste buds main function is to be able to know the taste of foods that enter your mouth.
Snails have a sense of smell and taste. It is their best developed sense. The lower tentacles that are on either side of the mouth, stretch out in front of the snail as it moves. These tentacles have smell and taste receptors at their tips.