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When you say "i want you" to your girlfriend that means you want to have sex with her.

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Q: What does it mean when you say i want you to your girlfriend?
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This boy said he wants you to be his girlfriend does that make you his girlfriend?

Only if you want to be his girlfriend. it does if u say yes

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If they have a girlfriend and you think they like you chances are you may being seeing what you want to as he is choosing to stay with his girlfriend - he likely is not interested in you as you would like. It is best if you let them be and move on.

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I'm pretty sure it means.. SURE

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As a girl I say maybe nine. #nineismyage!#That'swhy!

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It could mean that the ex girlfriend may not want to speak the man any longer an to move on with her life.

How do you say want a girlfriend in icelandic?

kærasta or vinkona

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why do you want one? you can go search it i guess on google say: How to get a fat girlfriend

If a guy asked you out when has a girlfriend and you said no and he has dumpted his girlfriend now does it mean he likes you?

Well, dumping his girlfriend can mean a lot of differant things not just him dumping her for you, but if he did, ask him did he dump her for you and him. If he says yes, say fine, i will go with you and also say i just said no because i didnt want your girlfriend to find out. But if he says no then say fyoo, i am happy you didnt break up with her for that reason! I thorght it was going great for you two! Good Luck!

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what did i do wrong

How do you say im alex girl friend?

You say "I'm Alex' girlfriend." If you want to translate that into another language you have to say which language you want to say it in.