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Someone may have given you a (tiny) tablet of methylene blue which has this effect - amusing but harmless.

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You have ingested something puce-colored.

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You have eaten too many grapes

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Q: What does it mean when you have purple mucus?
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How did they name the color purple?

The word 'purple' comes from the Old English word purpul which derives from the Latin purpura, in turn from the Greek word porphura, the name of a purple dye manufactured in classical antiquity from a mucus secreted by a snail.

What does 'nose is running' mean?

If your nose is "running," then you have a mucus discharge. The image is of the mucus running out of your nose so that you need a tissue or you need to blow the mucus out.

What does clear nasal mucus mean?

Clear nasal mucus or, "snot", is usually associated with allergies. If your nasal mucus is green or yellow you may have an infection and should see a doctor.

What do purple mean in the bible?

If you mean what does purple mean in the Bible, I believe I can answer your question. Purple as a color in the Bible represents wealth or royalty. If someone were a seller of purple cloth it would mean that they are well off financially because of who they are selling it to.

What does green mucus mean in the nose?

Sinus infection.

What does it mean when you have gold colored mucus?

You have a viral infection.

What does it mean to be wheezing with a cold?

mucus build up

What does it mean when there is blood in your mucus from a cold?

Call your doctor

What is the color of mucus?

Mucus can sometimes be yellow or if you have a virus it can be yellow with blood spots in it( this could just mean your throat is irritated)

What drug liquefies mucus?

Assuming that you mean mucus from the nostrils, doctors normally prescribe anti-histamines. Apparently production of mucus in the nostrils is attributed to allergens that provoke histamine to produce mucus from mast cells.

Does purple mean love?

i think that purple means love!!