That feeling is probably just excess fluid from a mild sprain. Press down the tissue of the swollen ankle with your finger, then do it to your other ankle. If the swollen ankle rebounds slower then the normal ankle, it's just a sprain. Elevate and ice it. If not, seek medical advice.
You bash your ankle with a huge hammer then you get done super glue and glue it to your ankle, I know this sounds stupid but trust me it work it has happen to me.
it could be a deerfly , horsefly or a tic, this needs to be looked at by a doctor
I assume they are watches that you would wear around your ankle rather than your wrist. They are a watch you wear around your ankle. I sometimes wear a watch around my ankle as a piece of unusual jewellery. Not very practical, but I love the way it looks and feels so I have a few watches for my ankle now.
the nerve. infection of a tooth/nerve, but sometimes just temporary. there is not too much fat/meat/tissue on the bones on the hard palate therefore every small swelling feels enormous.
The body responds to unwanted intruders such as pollen by sending extra fluid to the cells. This causes the tissue to swell and extra mucus to be produced. There is very little space in many areas of the sinuses so it feels like pressure.
If your throat is swollen, but does not feel sore, it is likely glands in the throat, possibly a saliva gland has become blocked. See your doctor.
aye yer sound
See a physician - now.
When that happens to me, I am over-tired.
you got banged up ur ass
ice maybe.
They are usually very safe and secure but if it feels uncomfortable visit your doctor.Also, it is always best to not put a large amount of pressure onto the ankle to ensure the highest amount of safety to yourself.