Light brown spots or freckles are clusters of hyperpigmentation. The don't exactly hurt anything but they are a sign of sun exposure and the left hand is the one that gets the most exposure while driving.
Dark or black spots that increase in size or change shape should be examined by a doctor.
yes you can scrub, exfoliate and moisturise your legs to remove dark spots .
the dark red spots in panties are the periods (the monthly bleeding from a women's womb)
You probly have bad blood flow to your legs
It is most likely not to have brown spots but if it does do not eat it.
use limon!! it works. just put some on and let it dry. Do this daily. Youll see results fast !
You can get rid of dark spots on your legs by treating the areas with lemon juice or with hydrogen peroxide. You can also use one of several commercial products like Neutrogena Dark Spot Corrector.
sun spots
No not really, Dark spots are areas of low resistance to the x-ray which means its gettin through easier, White is High resistance like Bone.. Depends on where they are though...
he might be an eastern box turtle
Age spots are small brown spots found all over the legs and gradually disappear up the leg. Sun exposure and tanning beds can increase the formation of them.
what are the spots on earth main or do the earth have spots what are the spots on earth main or do the earth have spots
do i have a blood clot on my leg if i have a light red bruise with a dark red spot in the middle of it