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it means if you ever get excited or nervous you feel "butterflys" in your belly it means you get a funny usually good feeling in you belly and you wanna smile so if you get butterflys seeing your crush it may mean your excited

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Q: What does it mean when you get butterflies just seeing you crush?
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That means he has an emotional attraction to you, in other words he is beginning to crush on you.

Does butterflies in the stomach mean your in love?

it depends it might happen when you are nervous and it might happen when someone you have a crush on is around you

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eirther just your crush, just your crush's friend, or both of them like you or find you attractive

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It means you like them. Maybe moreso than you previously thought. If one is trying to get over liking a crush, it can help to keep busy during the day.

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It was just ok when u have a crush on a girl. Crush not mean your in love with her. It means that u just like her voice, talent, or anything u like.

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It most likely means you have something more than just a crush.

how do butterflies get threats?

Anonymous phone calls, just like the rest of us do - or sometimes, in face-to-face confrontations on the street from mean butterflies.

What does it mean when a boy has a mad giggle crush on you?

well as you maybe think this boy likes you. And when you here a giggle crush is that feeling in the stomach like butterflies. good Luck. ok who ever u are i dont totally agree 1st of all u dont always get butterflies if you dont like him am and 2nd of all they could be friends and and still have that crush giggle yet they really arent crushing on each other toddles.

What does it mean if your crush had a crush on you before he knew you?

It means that he/she had crush on you when they didn;t even know yyou, and have just seen you. It's pretty self explanitory.

If a girl smiles at you what does that mean?

She Either Has A Crush On You or She IS Just A Friendly Person.

What does it mean when you see an old crush in your dreams?

Seeing an old crush in your dreams may symbolize unresolved feelings or desires. It could be your subconscious mind processing past emotions and experiences related to that person. Alternatively, it might just be a random occurrence with no significant meaning.

How can you be just friends when you say i like you to you crush?

just tell them that you didnt mean it and that you like them as a friend