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When you dream of your ex sleeping it could mean something but most likely it is just a dream , unless you want your ex back, then it is most likely you aren't over him/ her.

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It means your ex is going to die. ;-;

Emily Haverty.

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Q: What does it mean when you dream of your ex sleeping?
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The dream may not have anything to do with your ex at all. Being kissed on the neck is extremely sensual, and may be nothing more than a pleasant sex dream. Your sleeping mind might still associate pleasant sex with your ex, and so used that image in this dream. The dream provides no insight into your ex's thoughts or feelings.

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The distant view in the dream represents increasing emotional detachment or "distance" from the ex in real life.

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This dream suggests that you have confused emotions regarding your relationship with this ex boyfriend and the people associated with him. Your own mind seems to be showing you that you need to figure out what your relationship has been to your ex and his family, and what, if any, relationship is best for you now.> Note the "sleeping with" a person does not necessarily imply sexual involvement, but can represent several different sorts of involvement, including financial and conspiratorial. Because you no longer have the same involvement with your ex boyfriend, it might be necessary for your relationship with his daughter/associates to change as well.

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This suggests that for some reason you feel guilty about breaking up with your ex. You can be quite certain that your ex's mum did not cause you to have this dream; it originated in your own mind and expresses your mixed feelings about ending the relationship. The dream does not mean that your ex actually needs you at all, and it does not give you any magical information about your ex or your ex's feelings.