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It means that he does not have any commitment and that he is not in touch with himself. He should spend some serious private time (if he can and will) and clarify his confused mind.

If you really love someone, you know it and above all, to love someone is a decision YOU make. Basically what he means, is that he have not yet decided that he wants to love you. You should seriously consider if you would like to continue the relationship.

AnswerIt could mean that he is not ready for the commitment. Or it could mean that at the time he could be questioning his uality. He could be considering if the opposite appeals to him more, and doesn't want to regret making a commitment yet while being undecided.

It means that he is not really interested in a relationship,in you in that matter and are probably confused about the whole situation,and maybe he doesn´t care about you or loves you, because IF he did, he wouldn´t be like this! So drop him and move on.. you deserve a better man, who wnats to be with you, because you are worth it!

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Q: What does it mean when you ask someone if he loves you during a long-term relationship and he says that he's confused and that his heart has changed but he seems to want to stay in the relationship?
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