It may just be that you have a small cut or wound near the anus or if you are female near the edges of the vagina. these are places where you cam get a small wound without easily seeing it.however I would make a careful examination of my self to find the source and if I could not I would definitely see a doctor about it.
it means you are peeing blood
You could have an internal blood flood- talk to your doctor immeadatley
Old blood
Like your blood is on your underwear while you have your period.
you must get to the doctor imeadiatly,this might be somthing serious.
It means that theres more germs in your body than protection
It means that theres more germs in your body than protection
Urine comes from your urethra, not your vagina - menstruation comes from the vagina. If you are peeing blood then you have a urinary tract or bladder infection so should seek immediate medical attention.
Period is when blood comes out of your vagina and you need pads or tampons to stop it from going onto your underwear. It doesn't hurt at all and you don't lose blood from your body.
urine trouble!
Your drinking enough
Type your answer herdo u show ur underwear