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That you need to be treated by him, literally. Or it's just a compliment ;)

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Q: What does it mean when someone tells you you are like a delicate flower and that you need to be treated gently?
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In Sonnet 116 Shakespeare describes love as?

He describes the as a delicate flower to hold it gently, to love forever, make it last not by hate, with life heading its way on to a different course of a life line in death

What does the word gently?

The word gently means softly or very carefully. This is a term used when handling very delicate objects or things such as a baby or anything made of glass. Extra care needs to be taken with these things so they're not hurt or broken.

What is it called to gently combine a delicate ingredient into a solid mixture?

It is called folding. Folding involves gently combining a delicate ingredient, such as whipped cream or beaten egg whites, into a heavier mixture, like cake batter or mousse, without deflating the lightness and airiness of the delicate ingredient.

What does ginggerly mean?

"gingerly" is a misspelling of the word "gingerly," which means to move or act cautiously, gently, or with great care. It is often used to describe someone handling delicate objects or navigating through a difficult situation in a careful manner.

Is touching flower petals bad for the flower?

Touching flower petals can potentially damage them, especially if done roughly or excessively. Oils and dirt on our hands can transfer to the petals, which may affect the flower's ability to photosynthesize and may also lead to bruising or tearing of delicate petals. It's generally best to handle flowers gently and minimally to keep them healthy and looking their best.

How do you get gesso out of clothes?

white vinegar will dissolve acrylic (regular) gesso. Soak it, rub or if the fabric is not delicate a light tooth-brushing and it'll wash out. If it is delicate just work it gently after it soaks a while.

Use the word petal in a sentence?

She gently plucked a petal from the flower and watched it float down to the ground.

How was Japan treated by the US after the war?

Quite gently. US helped with rebuilding, etc.

Can you hold a axalotl under water with out it being harmed?

Gently, yes. Don't do it too often, as they have delicate skin, and it is probably fairly stressfull for them.

How do you lower a flower without touching it?

To lower a flower without touching it, you can use a string or a thread attached to the stem or petal and gently pull the string downwards. Alternatively, you can use a small, controlled amount of air (such as blowing on the flower) to create a gentle breeze that lowers the flower.

What ingredients are in woolite detergent?

Woolite detergent typically contains surfactants, enzymes, stabilizers, water, fragrance, and sometimes dyes. These ingredients work together to gently clean and protect delicate fabrics. Woolite is designed to be safe for use on wool, cashmere, silk, and other delicate garments.

What does it mean to hold a humminbird?

To hold a hummingbird means to gently grasp it in your hand or fingers. It is important to be very delicate and cautious when handling these tiny birds due to their delicate nature and small size. It is best to minimize handling and release them back into the wild as soon as possible.