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the cost is no body likes the boss (if they are a good boss) .


If the person is REALLY a good boss, they can do a great job as a boss and still not be disliked. A person does not have to be a jerk to be a good boss - that is a common misconception. Some people have no business being a boss - they have no people skills at all. not to mention manners of any kind. Sometimes people become bosses and it goes to their heads - again, no people skills. Unfortunately, people have forgotten, or don't have - common sense, manners, workplace etiquette, good character of any kind, etc. The backstabbing, rear-end kissing that goes on in the workplace these days is disgusting and it is poor management and poor people skills that do not recognize it and get it under control. I've seen employees suck up when the boss is around and do nothing when they're not around, talk about them behind their backs to the point of complete disrespect for the boss, but the boss loves them! They have no idea and the people who are loyal, work whether the boss is there or not, would never call them names behind their backs or make fun of them, etc. get ditched because of the butt-kissers. It's truly amazing.

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