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His nose itches?

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Q: What does it mean when somebody scratch his nose while answering a question?
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I also have the same question. Please can somebody answer it. thanks

Why does WikiAnswers let someone else answer a question when you are already answering it?

WikiAnswers is a collaborative community - anybody can answer a question. If someone happened to click "Answer" while you are answering the question, this does not register until they have saved and you have attempted to save as well. Feel free to edit the answer afterwards.

Which characters while scratch?

Scratch Cat and Gobo

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that's a good Question and i have no idea what I do when no one is looking. I guess anything I want or nothing! I'm actually laughing while answering this question! I can't believe I am!!

Why are the people that are asking the question the ones that are answering the questions?

It's considered polite to answer questions while waiting for your question to be answered. Either that, you lurked around and found the answer to your question and answered it so others may know.

What is the defintion of impeachment?

1. To charge a serving government official with serious misconduct while in office. 2. cast somebody oout of public office. 3. to charge somebody with a crime or misdemeanor 4. Disparage somebody: question a person's good character.

Why does your answer get deleted the first time you save it?

It doesn't usually. It only does if someone is answering it while you are answering it.

What is 12-08-1936 in Roman Numerals?

I could ask you the same question while answering it at the same time. "What is XII-VIII-MCMXXXVI in English numbers?"

will this scratch my floor?

While it isn't likely, it is possible for this weight rack to scratch your floor if incorrectly moved.

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were so far as i know is were used for a question directed to "you" while was is used when the direction of the quaetion is to somebody else. eg;WERE you okay?WAS she okay?

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Well, St. Patrick (Maewyn Succat) was slave for a while... so yeah... You question is kinda stupid an I am not going to finish answering...

Why you would be the best person for this position?

Because I have previous qualifications of answering questions (See: Previous Work Experience). It is also something I enjoy and feel confident doing. I bring a positive attitiude to each new question and try to always find ways to improve my question-answering while honoring the tried and true techniques.