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Nothing. The ovaries are attached in two to the uterus via the uteroovarian ligament and fallopian tubes and the other to the infindibulopelvic ligament to the side of the pelvis. Sometimes if these attachments are long or stretchy, the ovaries can be seen behind the uterus on ultrasound or during surgery. It's normal.

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Q: What does it mean when ovaries are located behind the uterus?
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what does it mean when the ovaries behind the uterus?

Nothing. The ovaries are attached in two to the uterus via the uteroovarian ligament and fallopian tubes and the other to the infindibulopelvic ligament to the side of the pelvis. Sometimes if these attachments are long or stretchy, the ovaries can be seen behind the uterus on ultrasound or during surgery. It's normal.

What does hysterosalpinectomy mean?

Hystero-salpinectomy is the removal of the uterus and ovaries.

What does it mean when your ovaries cramp for a week and you don' t start your period?

your ovaries don't have muscle so therefore do not cramp. what cramps is your uterus.

What do you mean by Hysterectomy?

Hysterectomy is removal of uterus. Total hysterectomy is removal of uterus and cervix. If fallopian tubes and ovaries removed as well this is a salpingo oopherectomy (bilateral = both- unilateral one). So a total hysterectomy with salpingo oopherectomy is the uterus,cervix,fallopian tubes and ovaries

Can you get cysts after a total hysterectomy?

No, as an oophorectomy removes the ovary you cannot get an ovarian cyst. However, this is only the case if both ovaries are removed.

If a girl have no ovaries and no womb from birth. does it mean that she is 100 percent INTERSEXED hermaphroditism does it mean that she is a 100 percent girl can any male sex with her and marry her?

It's not the ovaries and uterus that makes a woman a woman. It's her chromosomes. You don't write if she has something else instead so I assume she has female sexual organs which means she is a girl. For her to be a Hermaphrodite she also has to have male organs and you don't mention that. And she doesn't need a uterus or ovaries to have sex. Or to get married for that matter.

What does a doctor mean by posterior placenta?

It means the placenta is located in the posterior wall of uterus

What does Bilateral Hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy mean?

It is a surgical procedure in which the uterus and both the left and right ovaries and fallopian tubes are surgically removed. The woman automatically goes into menopause (if she hadn't already).

What are the essential organs of reproduction?

It may mean that you or someone is looking for a medical term that means referring to these various organs. They all would end in -al.

What does spaying a rabbit mean?

spaying is the surgical process of neutering a female animal by removing the reproductive organs (ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes)

Operation that prevents women from getting pregnant?

Tubal Ligation: "tying the tubes" that prevent ovum (eggs) from getting into the uterus and prevent sperm from getting to the eggs. Hysterectomy: removal of reproductive organs. No ovaries mean no eggs, no uterus means no place for sperm and eggs to meet and for a baby to grow.

What does the metriosis mean?

Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus, causing pain, inflammation, and possible fertility issues. It can affect various organs in the pelvic region like ovaries and fallopian tubes. Treatment options include medication, surgery, and lifestyle changes.