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Q: What does it mean when a woman goes 2 months at a time without a period?
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How long does your period last after taking the aborsion pill?

It can be longer then it was before but it usually goes back to normal after a few months. How long differs from woman to woman.

What happens to the egg during a woman's cycle if it goes unfertilized?

you have your period.

What happens to a pregnant woman if semen goes inside of her?

It is possible that the semen will find an egg and fertilize. This will make the female pregnant because that fertilized egg will start developing into a baby over a period of nine months.

How many days after a woman period goes off is a female fertile?


What happens when a pregnant woman goes by a hamster which is under 3 months old?

Nothing. The woman might be tempted to take it home, that's about it.

What is the average pregnancy period of dogs?

The average pregnancy period for dogs is about 63 days, but it can range from 58 to 68 days. If a dog goes beyond 68 days without giving birth, it is recommended to seek veterinary advice.

What is menstural?

Menstruating is when a woman goes through her menstrual cycle. Which means she has her monthly period.

Why have i a Sharp pain that comes and go in abdomen area no period past six months?

If you have a sharp pain that comes and goes and it's in your abdomen area, and you haven't had a period in 6 months, this could mean you are pregnant. You may also have a health problem that needs to be looked at.

How do a man know if he has a baby on the way?

Like any woman. Suddently, gets fat, feels thumping in the stomach, and goes to the hospital months later

How much time can you serveon burglary?

This goes state by state, usually a period of 6 months to 5 years depending how much involvement and value.

Periods stop at what age?

A woman's period will stop once she goes through menopause. Each woman reaches that stage at a different age. The average age that a woman shows menopause onset signs is 51 plus or minus several years.

If your period starts at the end of a month and goes into the start of the next month does that mean your next period will come at the start of the next month?

no it is every 28 days not months..look on the internet if you're still unsure