He mean you are precious to him and you are worth a lot towards him
It mean that youre very intelligiance
It is referring to man's soul.
It means he thinks you're stupid.
Tell her youre sorry, i love you. Let your heart speak man
Well If youre a woman you should not have any semen. so if you have semen you are a man.
if youre a man, get her a girlfriend. if youre a woman: do the same things a man would to a straight girl, or a dildo.
Depends if youre an adult man or woman. If youre their child, youd have to be a girl to do that.
isa the Mario man
dude what do you mean?
An elderly man or woman
School of rock.
ghosts arent R E A L people tell fake stories to scare u like the boogy man come on guys get this in youre head not real