It could mean any number of things. Does he seem shy? If at all, try phoning first. Or text message for a bit. It will take some of the pressure off. How long have you waited for him to call? If only a day or two, perhaps he is just busy. By the fourth or fifth day at the latest, he should call if he is interested and not too shy. Lastly, maybe he has another definition of what seeming interested is. He might just be overly nice or a flirt with everyone, etc
Usually if a man is phoning a woman, he is interested in getting to know her better. Men by nature do not call women they are not interested in.
You should make the move and then see what he does.
It means that the man is interested in you. He wants to have sexual intercourse with you.
Yes, it generally does.
You can choose to try to make him interested or move on to a man who is interested. It may mean that the boy you like is interested in someone else.
When a man's conversation has sexual undertones, it normally means he is interested in you sexually. This may mean he finds you attractive and wants to get intimate with you.
He's interested.
He's interested in dating you.
A woman who uses her sexuality to exploit a man who is interested in her.
If he has your number but he isn't calling then he isn't interested.
2 things; either you are mistaken and he has no real interest in you or he is too shy to make the first move. Try talking to him and making the first move, if he still isn't willing to come halfway, then he is likely not interested.
It may mean he is busy or simply put that he is just not interested.