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It could mean...anything, really. He might just be having a rough time, or maybe he just wants time by himself for no reason. You never know unless you ask him.

It means, he is not ready for commitment.


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Q: What does it mean when a man says he needs time to himself?
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It means that he just wants to take time for himself to think about what he wants in your guys relationship. It doesnt't mean hes breaking up with you, he just needs a break.

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When he says "You should go out sometime" that means he's sick and tired of you hanging around him. he needs"Guy Time"

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he wants to think if your the right one for him to be with and to think about the relastionship

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That depends on who dumped who.

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It means hes not ready for you yet, your to good for him. he needs time to figure out who he is and what he is ready for

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he is shy or chicken ...(you know what) He dosent know if he wants to be with you At that Exact second or day.. he wants to think about what he wants.

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he's either going to ask you to marry him or he just needs to get things oraganized and just needs a break

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He tells himself thing that aren't true to make him feel better.

What does he mean when he says he needs time he doesn't know what he wants?

It may mean just that, he needs time to think cause he doesn't know what he wants regarding your relationship or it could mean he wants to break it off with you and he doesn't want to say it, cause he wants to spare your feelings.

What does it mean when your girlfriend of 6 years needs time to think about things?

Coming from a girl it means she needs space. She needs "me" time. Give her some space then lightly ask her whats up. There is oviously something wrong when a girl says "i need time to think."