It means he trusts you and your obviously a good friend if he does! It could mean that maybe he likes you too, theirs all different reasons!!
Hope i helped~ Lovechipmunk14
She is looking for support and is telling a friend a personal trait about herself.
Boyfriend is in love and shares part of your intimate life. But male friend is more like an outsider or visitor to your life.
She wants you. Or has personal space issues
Male friend = Amicus
It is okay to WANT to kiss your male friend - but you do not kiss anyone (male or female, friend or not) without asking their permission.
if your best friend is a male its parri if your best friend is a male its parri
On a general basis men or women should not discuss very personal things about their marriage with just anyone. It is healthy to choose a trusted friend to discuss any marriage problems. Women are more apt to discuss problems with a good friend and men are far more private about talking to their friends about personal issues. If a husband is having difficulties in a marriage some men will often choose another woman because they feel a woman would understand the issues at hand regarding the marriage rather than one of their male friends.
Freund, for a male friend, Freundin for a female friend.
Portugal- teu amigo = your male friend tua amiga = your female friend Brazil- seu amigo = your male friend sua amiga = your female friend
female friend Amigo is friend or male friend
le copain = male friend la copine = female friend l'ami = close male friend / boyfriend l'amie = close female friend / girlfriend
If I am a woman, then my female friend = khavera sheli (חברה שלי)if I am a male, then my male friend = khaver sheli (חבר שלי)if I am a woman and the friend is a male: "Yadid Sheli" - ידיד שליif I am a man and the the friend is a female: "Yedida Sheli" - ידידה שלי