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this means he likes you, but stumbles from his shyness

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Q: What does it mean when a guy tells you he becomes ferklempt around you?
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If a guy tells you personally he might break up with his girlfriend does it mean he is into you?

He is confiding in you most likely because he feels comfortable and open around you- possibly seeing you as a friend. If you have feelings for him, then strengthen this newfound friendship until it becomes a relationship.

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it means that, he is not in the mode to do romance or any thing

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Maybe she doesn't have a life because she is hanging around him!

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i think that when a Boy tells you your cute it could probably mean he likes you or he just thinks your cute or he is just playing around but you can never give up hope :)

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Standard deviation is a measure of the spread of data around the mean. The standardized value or z-score, tells how many standard deviations the measurement is away from the mean, and in which direction.z score = (observation - mean) / standard deviationStandard deviation is the unit measurement. This tells what the value a decimal is.

What is mean and standard deviation?

They are statistical measures. For a set of observations of some random variable the mean is a measure of central tendency: a kind of measure which tells you around what value the observations are. The standard deviation is a measure of the spread around the mean.

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What does it mean when somebody tells you your starting to get around like some kind of disease?

They are either implying you sleep around or that you go through bofriends/girlfriends quickly and they definatly mean it in a bad way I'm afraid :/

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what does it mean when a man you are with tells you he is intrigued by another woman

What does le dice mean in English?

He tells him She tells him He tells you (formal treatment singular) She tells you (formal treatment singular)

What does it mean if a boy tells repeatedly that he likes her?

Most of the time when a guy tells a girl he has always liked he means that he likes to be around her, likes her personality, and likes her as a good friend. Sometimes a guy could mean that he has had a crush on her and has wanted her to be his girlfriend.

What does it mean when a girl says she becomes happy whenever she sees me?

it means she really likes you! she likes when she gets to see you or be around you.