It means that he has an obsession with the female body and that he is attracted to your curves. Most Human males are programmed to see curves as a sign of fertility.
he wants the D.
If he stares, and quickly looks away when he looks at you, then yes. If he just stares, and stares, and stares and doesn't even flinch when you look at him, then no.
She simply wanted to be in your place.
It means he likes you.
He likes you
As a guy, i admit i do this. When a guy stares at a girls butt, it means he is attracted to you. When he stares at your lips, he is hinting that he wants to kiss. I don't know if you are in a relationship with this guy, but if you are, take the risk when he stares at your lips and kiss him! Guys make the first move a lot, but they love it when the girl does!
Nothing, unless he stares at you, which means he's a pervert.
He is really into you, and not your body so much.
It means he's probably lying.
he havea crush on you , he like you.
It means he wants to bang
no unless he constantly stares at you.