If you're laughing and a boy says "I like you're laugh" or something like that, then he might like you. I know from experience. I have been told this before, and afterwards found other signs that this boy likes me. So this is a clue to telling you he likes you.
If a guy says that you're a card, he means that you are funny. You make him laugh. The card to which he refers is the Joker. It is a good thing!!
When a guy says "you kill me," he likely means that you make him laugh or feel really happy. It's a playful expression used to show that you are funny or bring joy to his life.
it means hes tring to think of somthing to make you laugh and just cant figure you out
Maybe he thinks it will make you attracted to him.
it means that thay like yhuu !!
maybe he might flirting with, or just into you kinda
Sometimes but not always
He means what he says. Guys are like that, you make no sense to him.
He is failing at making a joke (and making a reference from sponge bob)if he say it again just laugh
He's not into you.
you get a guy to like you when you play with him and just say if you have the same class together talk to him and make him laugh and then he will start to make you laugh and eventually if you ask him to be your boyfriend and then he says yes he will dump the girl and then you will live happily ever after!ummmm you SHOULDNT! would u want someone else to do that to you? that's just mean... im sry
he will see if he can do it.