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To be quite honest sometimes guys say it in a joking way, but they actually mean what they had said.. chances are he likes you.

Hope I helped. :]

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Q: What does it mean when a guy says he is jealous when you complement another guy or when you do not ask him to lunch in a joking way?
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What does it mean when a guy says he is jealous when you complement another guy or when you do not ask him to lunch?

If the guy's your boyfriend then that is more or less normal. If it's not then it means the guy likes you. If you like the guy too then you could get together but if not then tell him to take a chill pill and cool off.

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The form 'Dan and I' is used as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as subject complement after a linking verb (which restates the subject of the sentence).The form 'Dan and me' is used as the object of a verb or a preposition, and as an object complement (which modifies or restates the direct object of the sentence).Examples:Are you going to lunch with Dan and me? (object of the preposition 'with')Dan and I are going to lunch with you. (subject of the sentence)They enjoyed the lunch that Dan and I brought. (subject of the relative clause)They called Dan and me to go to lunch. (direct object of the verb 'called')Their lunch-mates were Dan and I. (subject complement, restates the subject 'lunch-mates')We were their lunch-mates, Dan and me. (object complement, restates the direct object 'lunch-mates')

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There is one direct object, which is the phrase "a lunch or dinner of worms". The structure of this direct object phrase is: article ("a"), noun ("lunch or dinner"), noun complement ("of worms"). The noun plus noun complement is a shortened version of "lunch of worms or dinner of worms". The "of" phrases express the logical objects of the verbs corresponding to "lunch" and "dinner", namely the verbs "lunch" and "dine". Thus, another way of expressing the same thought would be: "Most fish enjoy lunching on worms or dining on worms."

My Friend hangs out with my enemy My Enemy Glares at me and my best friends a lot of times me and my friend were sitting with me and my friends at lunch and my enemy was jealous?

It is possible that your enemy is jealous. It may also be nothing.

A boy you like did a lil love heart sharp at lunch but nothing else happened what do you do?

He's ether just flirting or joking around. If after he did it, he turned around to his buddies and they all burst out laughing, they were joking around-but in a mean way. If not he was being friendly

If I ask a guy what lunch prd he has because he is a frnd nd I think he is skipping nd he says what lunch prd do u want me 2 have nd does that weird eyebrow moving thing is he flirting or just joking?

He's flirting...

What is another name for a lunch?

There are not many words that can replace the word lunch box. Some examples of these words are, lunch bag and lunch container.

What is another name for a lunch box?

There are not many words that can replace the word lunch box. Some examples of these words are, lunch bag and lunch container.

How do you get another 13 year old girl to like me?

Try and be sweet to her at first, complement her, and tell some jokes. Just basically try and become her friend. Then maybe take her out for lunch. Then slowly hug her. Hold her hand. She will begin to like you. It will take time, don't try and rush it.

Who eats burgers for lunch?

Many people eat burgers for lunch. Whether it's good for them is another matter...

Is there a copyright for Lunch and Learn?

Short phrases are not copyrightable. There are a few trademarks for Lunch 'n Learn (one providing webinars, another manufacturing lunch bags) but that's it.

Why does my ex-boyfriend still ask to meet up for lunch when he knows I'm married?

Either he is jealous and is still in love with you, or he realizes how much he misses you and wants to be your friend.