That is definitely a sign that he likes you!!!!! Guys want to seem cool in front of other people sometimes (or anyone for that matter), so they just say you and he or she is ugly, but then looks at them, and can't get you off his mind! He does like you, but doesn't want to admit it.
If he's with his group of friends and is staring at you in the middle of their conversation and you guys have interests in the same things I say he does like you. He may be shy and not have a lot of expirience and you may be the same way. Definetley pursue this. Try talking to him or smiling at him.
He is attracted to you.
He is checking someone out
He likes you.
He stops and stares, its like something taking over,
I don't know if he likes you but he was probobly flirting with you:)
He thought you were attractive.
All i want for christmas is my two front teeth
his is trying to get you to notice and go out with him
If he stops talking to you, and there isn't a legitimate reason, then it probably just means he is probably just reminiscing on the time you two were talking.
He probably thinks you are beautiful,as all girls are.
Yes they do..they just playing hard to get. But you play the same game. Dont pay no attention, and their be all in your face texting later.