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So you are catering to the silent type! Well, that's not a good sign. Silence and head nods are the indications that a person does not communicate well. It does not mean that he does not care for you. But expressing feelings - and that is what he apparently lacks - are the heart and soul of good communication. Few relationships survive when one of the partners is the so-called "silent" type. What you can do is to prompt him. Tell him that you would like to know how he feels about you. Even go as far as to indicate what you would like him to tell you. Like "can you say to me that you love me?" Try to ease his reluctance! Being together is all about communication. Get more help from my book recommendations, like Meyer's "Marriages, Shack-ups and Other Disasters" on my Bio page.

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He is trying to get you to like him. I know this because I've done it before. The next question is all up to you... do YOU like HIM? if so take him under your wing, if not and you do not want him to do this again then either stay FAR away from him or ask him to stop.

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Q: What does it mean when a guy gives you a head nod but he doesnt talk or smile?
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he is playing hard to get and he seen you made the first move now just smile when he looks at you and stare back and wait for him to make the next move. and if he doesnt he is a player and doesnt deserve you

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If he notices that you're looking, maybe that's why he doesn't want to smile because he doesn't want to give it away. He's in front of his friends, so maybe he doesn't want his friends to notice that he likes you.

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Yes that means he is interested in you and trying to show his interest by making jokes to make you smile and notice him.

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It means he really likes you or accepts you as a friend