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it means she wants you to have sex wiht her

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Q: What does it mean when a girl shows her palm while talking?
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It means she's smiling while she's talking, probably nothing more.

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She might actually be cold, but try putting your arm around her shoulders.

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Does it mean she likes you..could be, probably not. Maybe shes annoyed you would be talking to another girl then her..she is your friend

If a boy is talking to a girl and he is looking at you a lot is he fliting?

Amelia Mason says: If you are the girl he is talking to, it doesn't necessarilly mean he is flirting, it just means that he is not rude enough to look elsewhere. If you are not the girl he is talking to, it still doesn't mean for sure that he is flirting.

What does it mean when a girl keeps on talking to you?

it means that she wants to talk to you

What does you tripping girl mean?

Slang-You're talking crazy.

How can you tell if a guy is talking to another girl?

Well, you can't tell that much, but if you mean seeing another girl, I don't know. If you mean talking to another girl, you are just really jealous. he just starts talking to another girl, and looking at you when he is talking to make you jealous. flirts with her, stuff like tht you will probaly see it, u don't have to ask

What does it mean when a guy winks at a girl while he's talking to one of his friends?

It either means that they are talking about you and they think that you are hot or that he just likes you. But dont get all worked up because they are probably joking around

What does it mean when a guy tells you he likes you but he tells you he doesnt want a girl friend when you start talking but after you stop talking he has a girlfriend?

Im sorry to say but it means while he was with you he just wanted a "friend with benefits". And did not consider you g/f material. Not trying to be mean..

What does it mean if a guy is talking to another girl but sometimes turns and looks at you while hes talking to her?

It might mean he's trying to get you jealous or wants to know if you're paying attention to him. He probably has a crush on you. He could simply be wondering why you're staring at him too.