Depends on the guy. It could either mean she doesn't feel comfortable around him. I.E. finds him repulsive/shy etc. Or it could mean that she likes him and doesn't know what to say.
If it's you I'd say go for it. Initiate it. If she doesn't respond. Then you win some you lose some. Life goes on
it just means that the girl is embarrassed to talk to you around her friends so she really isn't a real friend
When a guy gets embarrassed around a girl, it can mean many things. If you mean shy then that's a different story. But being embarrassed means feeling ashamed. He might think he is too good for this girl and everytime she gets around him he feels ashamed and doesn't want to be seen with her.
Most likely, yes. Unless she has a speech impediment, then it means shes nervous around you and doesn't want to be embarrassed when shes with you.
Either she likes you or she is embarrassed.
It means he/she is embarrassed around you for some reason.
He's excited like happy!
The shy girl may feel more comfortable attributing her embarrassment to her crush rather than admitting to feeling shy or nervous around him directly. By blaming her crush for her feelings, she can avoid the vulnerability of admitting her own emotions. Additionally, she may believe that saying she is embarrassed by him provides a clearer explanation for her behavior.
it could mean that she is shy or that she likes you.
a girl who gets what she wants...and is a pretty girl
it means she really likes you! she likes when she gets to see you or be around you.
She is probably self conscious at least to some degree, even though she might not think so. She might just not get embarrassed very easily. She could be very outgoing or just not care what people think about her.
That The girl you like is embarrassed and maybe likes you back.But it Shy to talk.So she puts her friend on to talk.