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It is not a shade, it is a colour.

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Q: What does it mean when a friend says its not black and white?
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How do you battle a friend in Pokemon Black and White?

You have to have the C-Gear from Frerrel. Then you click on where it says IR on you bottom screen on your DS. There you can trade, battle, trade friend codes, or you can have you and your friend's feelings check.

What does it mean when a white guy says he has a sweet tooth with reference to girls he dates?

It means he only likes black girls. Like Tupac says the black the berry the sweeter the tooth.

What does it mean when your friend asks a girl what you think about another friend and she says his cute?

It means what she says!

What if her friend says that her friend likes you does that mean she likes you?

Ask her.

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It means both

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What does it mean when a guy says i don't like you as a friend?

it mean he likes you more than a friend or he hates you

What does it mean when a girl's friend says she likes you?


What does it mean when asked if he likes you he says as a friend i guess?

It's means he likes you as a friend.

What does the term black and white dress mean?

the term black and white dress code simply means formal. formal is usually black,gray, silver ,white, cream and beige color clothing. for men a tie is normally necessary and ladies are normally found in dresses. If you have received a high class invitation then it means exactly what it says ... men in black with white shirts, ties or ascots and women in black or black/white. No other colors!

My Friend Says That I'm Getting On her Nerves and she was mean to me for no reason and I was with my other friend?

Maye your friend said you were getting on her nerves and she was mean to you because she is jealous of your other friend.

What does gray side of a human means?

when someine says that it is the grey side of a human they mean that they were black and are turning white , or they were white and turning black ! i would watch out for these people because they will get snakes and throw them at your eyes ! they the snaked will eat your eyes and then you will be blind .