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It means he's A manslag

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Q: What does it mean when a boy flex his muscles and stares into your eyes and some one is calling him and he's not listening but he has a girlfriend?
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What does it mean when a boy flex his muscles and stares into your eyes and some one is calling him and he's not listening?

It means he's trying to get your attention in the hopes that you'll be impressed with his immature display. If you don't just shoot him down and wound his ego, given a little time, he may be able to approach you like a human.

What does it mean when a boy stares at you when your not looking and stares into your eyes and is nice to you but he never talks to you and he has a girlfriend does he like you?

Yes He Does Likes You

If a boy is with his mom and he stares into a girls eyes and his mom is calling his name to come and he's not listening what does that mean?

this may mean that he feels attracted to this girl and is feeling love from the first sight or this may mean that he suddenly entered a case of day dreaming

Guy stares at you in class when you catch him he doesnt stop hes very kind to you you find out he has a girlfriend but he still stares at you anyway What does it mean?

He'd rather be with you.

What does it mean when a boy stares into your eyes and some one is calling him and he's not listening?

He got lost in your eyes. The only thing that existed to him at that second was you and him. He was overwhelmed, overjoyed, and could not compute any thing else. He likes you enough to prove to you that he is brave enough to stare into your eyes.

If in one year i told the guy i like that i like him and he stares at me and then the nxt year he gets a girlfriend and still stares at me now sometimes smiles is he trying to make me jealous?


When you tell your girlfriend how much you love her she just stares at you with no expression why?

She stares at you because she is so happy about what you just said.You would probably feel the same.So dont get worried if she stares at you just feel happy like she is feeling inside!!!

What does it mean if a boy stares at you but has girlfriend and he tries to pretend he likes the same singer as you but he hates them?

He is interested in getting to know you.

What does that mean if a guy sometimes stared at a girl when he had a girlfriend and stares a lot more after he broke up?

He wants that girl.

What if a boy stares at you but he has a girlfriend?

If a boy stares at you while he has a girlfriend, it could be a sign of romantic interest, which may create an uncomfortable situation since he is in a committed relationship. It's best to maintain boundaries and avoid engaging in any behavior that could potentially harm his current relationship. If he continues to make you uncomfortable, consider addressing the situation directly with him.

What does it mean when a boy stares at you when they think you aren't looking and flirts with you and kisses your hand when he has a girlfriend?

It sounds like hes a player you shouldn't get involed with it and it could cause you to be enemys with his girlfriend don't flirt back if this guy has a girlfriend his a pig

When you told your crush you like him but he has a girlfriend and he still stares at you?

smile at him give him cute looks back and even if he has a girlfriend so what flirting means nothing really and he would probably like it! and if the girlfriend gets mad thats her problem not yours!