To pull down your undergaurdments and show a male your private part down low.
Wink (' to wink')
it depends on how big the bag is, if you know what i mean 'wink wink' ;)
The word college is defined as an educational institution of higher learning. A college is an advanced, organized, professional group with duties and privileges.
he has lots of boy toys, if you know what I mean (wink wink)
Wink back to find out...
It means you're blinking.
By saying Wink Wink :D
a giant bong that plays music and never runs out on stock if u noe what i mean (wink wink)
Well the purpose mean big butt, nice assets, banging curves and in bed, better sensation if u know what I mean....wink wink
No. Denzel did cause he was eating a taco one day and set it between his legs. Since he is a fire crotch, He made the volcano taco TM(c)
It's not an idiom, it's a saying. If the horse is blind, it can't see either the nod or the wink, so they'd mean the same thing to the horse. You nod when you're agreeing and you wink when you're sneaking around with something.
Its means there flirting with you.