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There are several possible causes of enlarged red blood cells. Some of those causes are liver disease, Alcoholism, vitamin B-12 deficiency, and medications. Further testing will likely need to be done to find the exact cause in order to treat it.

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Q: What does it mean to have enlarged red blood cells?
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Can enlarged red blood cells cause tiredness?

most likely

What does an increase in red blood cells mean?

To add more blood to your body cells.

Are enlarged red blood cells due to inflammation as well as B12 deficiency?

Inflammation does not lead to production of enlarged RBCs. B12 deficiency, folate deficiency and some other conditions do.

What do you call abnormally shaped red blood cells an enlarged liver pallor and painful crisis period?

Sickle-cell crisis.

What are the the cells that carry oxygen?

Red blood cells contain hemoglobin. These cells are also known as erythrocytes.

What blood cells contain haemoglobin?

Red blood cells because that is what carries oxygen throughout the body

What cell transports oxygen?

red blood cells

What do you mean by crenated blood cells?

shrinking of blood

What is the major difference between red blood cells and white blood cells?

Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, but white blood cells do not

Relating to blood cells what does MCV stand for?

MCV stands for the mean cell volume, or average cell volume, of our red blood count. In a complete red blood count, this volume is measured by comparing the number of packed red blood cells against regular blood cells. Hematocrit, which is a substance that packs these red blood cells was directly linked to Lance Armstrong‰Ûªs blood doping allegations.

Does every part of the body have red blood cells?

As the name says, red blood cells are found in the blood. If there is blood there, there is red blood cells.

How red blood cells get replaced?

The old red blood cells get replaced by the newly formed red blood cells.